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Steve Jobs: A Biography by Walter Isaacson

Based on more than forty interviews with Jobs conducted over two years—as well as interviews with more than a hundred family members, friends, adversaries, competitors, and colleagues ...

Steve Jobs: A Biography by Walter Isaacson in The Russian Book Store No.1

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Photo as Haiku by Boris Akunin

This is an amazing book of all with whom I had to deal with in my editorial and publishing life. I advise you to read the book as I did.
First look at the photos carefully and try to guess who this man was and how there was this life.
Then read the story and check your perspicacity.
Boris Akunin

The new project by Boris Akunin dedicated to the "Photo as Haiku". The book, which will be published by Zakharov publishing house in end of October, contains about a hundred short stories by various people, not professional writers, and ordinary people about their loved ones. The stories are quite different - in style, mood and form. What unites them is that they are accompanied by photographs of heroes from different years of life: three (when this photo a haiku) or five (and then this photo as a tanka (new name for waka)).

Overall, the book leaves the impression of a certain chronicle of Russia, no doubt the truth of life, easy to read and has a powerful emotional impact.

Inform co-authors of the book "Photo as haiku," that I recieved from the publisher finished layout. I read through, with all the pictures, and convinced that the book was absolutely wonderful. It is possible, of course, that I biased. As a writer of fiction, I love the original stories about real people and still love the old photos. But it seems to me that the two main components of this book - the memory and love - in a strong concentration will act on anyone.

So, the publisher has completed its work. The book is due out in late October. This could happen even earlier, the delay came because of me. I have to write a preface, but can not. First you need to finish my current job - do not know how to switch from one mode to another letter.

Number of printed copies, as expected, is 5000. I think it will end quickly. Perhaps the author has a sense of order in advance the appropriate number of copies.
from blog by Boris Akunin

Below you can find content for the book "Photo as Haiku by Boris Akunin".

Photo as Haiku by Boris Akunin at The Russian Book Store No.1


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