The famous writer and journalist Pavel Basinsky based strictly documentary material, including archival, offers not his version of events, and his lively reconstruction. Step by step you can trace the life and care of Leo Tolstoy, to understand the reasons for his family dramas and mysteries of the signing of a spiritual testament.
The book is illustrated with rare photographs from the archives of the estate museum "Yasnaya Polyana" and the State museum of Leo Tolstoy.
Events in November 1910 literally brought to mind the entire world press. For care of Tolstoy and his death in Astapovo followed by all the world press, highlighting daily, with detailed parts, with interviews of the first persons in Russia: writers, bishops, governors, etc. Thus, in flight 82-year-old man from his home by his family (what, in essence, a caregiver) drawn into the powerful forces in Russia: the media, the clergy, the secret police and the supreme authority, headed by Nicholas and Stolypin.
In Astapovo suffered sleepless vigil around the clock newspapermen, spies, monks, and a variety of faces. But Tolstoy did not know about how he did not know and that (though probably guessed) that Astapovo are his wife, Sofya Andreyevna and sons ...
What was real, not mythical cause of flight Tolstoy from Yasnaya Polyana? Was it a "spiritual heroism," as they called and still call it care, or a sign of weakness, panic fear of something or to someone? As connected with the secret flight of Tolstoy's last will, signed by Tolstoy in the strictest secrecy in the woods near the village of Grumont? Why is a dying Tolstoy did not let his wife and sons, and elder Optina Varsonofi? What sought of the Holy Synod of the king and Stolypin in connection with the departure of Tolstoy? Why are some telegrams from Astapovo sent in encrypted form?
To answer these and many other questions author investigated all the available literature on the subject and worked in archives of Yasnaya Polyana and Tolstoy State Museum.
Writer Pavel Basinsky Wins Big Book-2010 Award - www.russia-ic.com
Tolstoy Tale Takes Literary Prize - TheMoscowTimes.com
Leo Tolstoy: Escape From Paradise in Russian Book Store
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