Alexandre Vassiliev is an internationally acclaimed French costume and set designer as well as being a fashion historian. He was born in Moscow in 1958 into a celebrated family of artists. His late father designed for the Bolshoi Theatre, his mother was an actress.
First let me introduce Russian book by A. Vassiliev "Beauty in Exile". The book is intended for anyone interested in history, art, fashion.
First let me introduce Russian book by A. Vassiliev "Beauty in Exile". The book is intended for anyone interested in history, art, fashion.
"Beauty in Exile" - a journey in time, which invites the reader a well-known fashion historian and collector Alexander Vassiliev. The author tells fascinating stories about the world of Western fashion and the role played in it our compatriots, for various reasons have left Russia. It is difficult to recover the past: lost documents, leaving the living witnesses, the forgotten language of the time. However, in the book Alexander Vassilievmagically transferred to the seemingly elusive atmosphere of bygone decades.
Album Alexander Vassiliev, "Beauty in Exile" is already familiar to the reader. Now published by "Word / Slovo" book comes out in a new unusual mini-format, which will make it accessible to a wide range of fans of fashion and creativity Alexander Vasiliev. The book is not inferior in quality to its predecessor, opening the door to the reader to the fascinating world of fashion history.
Second book by A. Vassiliev "Russian Fashion: 150 Years in Photographs" is devoted to the study of costume in Russia in one of the most important periods in its history: XIX-XX century - the time of social upheavals and radical changes in the social structure of the country in its structure of everyday life, and, of course, in the culture.
Extensive research is based on the Vassiliev detailed study of different materials: magazines, newspapers, memoirs, interviews and recordings of interviews with fashion designers, actresses, models.
The book will be of interest not only specialists in the field of fashion: the costume designer, designers, photographers, fashion designers. With the new mini-size edition of the book more accessible to many readers: for the people of the beauty industry, for all interested in fashion and style, as well as for many fans the famous art historian Alexander Vassiliev.

Beauty in Exile and Russian Fashion: 150 Years in Photographs by A. Vassiliev at The Russian Book Store No.1
Second book by A. Vassiliev "Russian Fashion: 150 Years in Photographs" is devoted to the study of costume in Russia in one of the most important periods in its history: XIX-XX century - the time of social upheavals and radical changes in the social structure of the country in its structure of everyday life, and, of course, in the culture.

Beauty in Exile and Russian Fashion: 150 Years in Photographs by A. Vassiliev at The Russian Book Store No.1
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